在 rope.cpp 中,实现 Rope 绳索类的构造。该对象从起点start开始,到end结束,中间包含了 num_nodes个节点。每一个节点 mess 都有质量,所以称为质点。相邻两个质点之间的线段视为弹簧。在作业框架的构造函数中,传入了几个参数:
Rope::Rope(Vector2D start, Vector2D end, int num_nodes, float node_mass, float k, vector<int> pinned_nodes) {
// Create a rope starting at `start`, ending at `end`, and containing `num_nodes` nodes.
for(int i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
Vector2D currentPos = start + (end - start) * static_cast<double>(i) / (num_nodes - 1.0);
Mass* newMass = new Mass(currentPos, node_mass, false);
for(int i = 0; i < num_nodes - 1; i++) {
Spring* newSpring = new Spring(masses[i], masses[i + 1], k);
for (auto &i : pinned_nodes) {
masses[i]->pinned = true;
void Rope::simulateEuler(float delta_t, Vector2D gravity) {
// Calculate forces due to springs using Hooke's Law
for (auto &s : springs) {
Vector2D displacement = s->m2->position - s->m1->position;
float stretchAmount = displacement.norm() - s->rest_length;
Vector2D springForce = s->k * displacement.unit() * stretchAmount;
s->m1->forces += springForce;
s->m2->forces -= springForce;
// Damping constant for global damping
const float dampingConstant = 0.01;
// Update forces, velocities, and positions for each mass
for (auto &m : masses) {
if (!m->pinned) {
// Add gravitational force
m->forces += gravity * m->mass;
// Add damping force
Vector2D dampingForce = -dampingConstant * m->velocity;
m->forces += dampingForce;
// Compute acceleration
Vector2D acceleration = m->forces / m->mass;
// Update velocity and position using implicit Euler
m->velocity += acceleration * delta_t;
m->position += m->velocity * delta_t;
// //explicit Euler
// m->position += m->velocity * delta_t;
// m->velocity += acceleration * delta_t;
// */
// Reset forces for next iteration
m->forces = Vector2D(0, 0);
void Rope::simulateVerlet(float delta_t, Vector2D gravity) {
for (auto &s: springs) {
// TODO (Part 3): Simulate one timestep of the rope using explicit Verlet (solving constraints)
Vector2D ab = s->m2->position - s->m1->position;
float length = ab.norm();
Vector2D forceDirection = ab.unit();
Vector2D force = s->k * (length - s->rest_length) * forceDirection;
s->m1->forces += force;
s->m2->forces -= force;
for (auto &m: masses) {
Vector2D accelerations = (gravity + (m->forces / m->mass));
if (!m->pinned) {
// TODO (Part 3.1): Set the new position of the rope mass
Vector2D temp_position = m->position;
// TODO (Part 4): Add global Verlet damping
double damping_factor = 0.000001;// 阻尼
m->position += (1 - damping_factor) * (m->position - m->last_position);
m->position += accelerations * delta_t * delta_t;
m->last_position = temp_position;
m->forces = Vector2D(0, 0);